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Workshop by OUPI

Date: 02.09.23, Saturday. Time: 09:00 a.m. to 02:00 p.m. Venue: Rotary Sadan, Chowringhee Road Maidan. Resource Person: Mr.DevakalpaGhose Participants from School: Ms.AditiDasgupta, Ms.ArannyaaChanda, Ms.ShreyoshiKarmakar and Mr.Supratik Mukherjee. Organised By: Oxford University Press India [OUPI] Implementation of Competency Based Education. [CBE approach] and Introduction to Oxford Inspire Application The workshop focuses on generalised learning instead of rote learning as the former is more based on curriculum which focuses on flexible syllabus and the latter enhances competency levels and memorizing lessons verbatim. CBE is an outcome-based approach to education that aims to enable learners to develop in-depth understanding of concepts and principles, so that they can transfer the knowledge to real-life situations. CBE involves modes of instructional delivery and assessment design that aims to evaluate mastery of learning through demonstration of specific knowledge, values, attitudes and skills. It is a learning approach based on students’ ability to demonstrate desired learning outcomes, the focus being on what students “know and can do”. With close reference to Blooms Taxonomy and the National Education Policy of 2020, the things which were discussed in the workshop are: • Methods to ensure that the students should understand what is to be learnt and why. • The ways through which students can participate as well as monitor their own learning. • Giving students the exposure and opportunitiesto learn in a variety of ways. • Making sure that each student has the opportunity to learn at her or his own pace. • Students should learn through group process and activities as well as by individual reflection. • Preparing students to participate in setting targets for their own learning which is based on evidence from the assessment of their own performance. In a very approachable and engaging manner the above mentioned topics were discussed and explained to all the teachers who were present in the workshop by the resource person Mr.Devakalpa Ghosh. Emphasis was laid on the fact that the methods of teaching should change along with the thinking and approach of the educators to adapt themselves to a developing modern society and it’s children. Oxford University Press India has presented us their new application “Oxford Inspire” which isflexible, community based learning and engages teaching assistance that would make any such change all the more easier and supplement the teachers with various tools to make the transition go smoother with the least amount of hurdles. It is a blended solution of traditional teaching methods supported by the modern digital assistance that can help the learners to progress and succeed at its core.
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